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When we own our stories, we get to write a brave new ending.

brené brown



Therapy offers a space for you to come as you are. It gives you the opportunity to explore the things that might be causing you difficulty or worry, or that you just feel you want to look at in more detail.


I am passionate about the power and potential of therapy to create change and hope - and how that can transform lives. The therapeutic journey is one that moves us towards clarity and self-acceptance; it can shine a light on the beliefs and patterns that we live by and highlight those that maybe no longer serve us well.    


Have a look around this website for information about my practice and clinical expertise to see if you feel you might like to work with me and explore what is going on for you right now. 

Reaching out for therapy can feel daunting. Acknowledging the need to seek support can feel like a big step - but it is such an important one to take.


Maybe you are experiencing some of the following and feel that they are impacting your life in ways that you would like to change... 

  • a change in your career or relationship circumstance; 

  • a painful life event;

  • addictive behaviour; 

  • anxiety and/or depression; 

  • difficulty adjusting to a new phase of life such as parenthood, mid-life, menopause,
    'empty-nest-hood' or retirement;

  • emotional impact of financial stress;

  • feelings of hopelessness, anger, apathy or overwhelm; 

  • grief - this can be due to bereavement or many types of loss;

  • loneliness, withdrawal, isolation, numbness or 'stuck-ness';

  • low self-esteem;

  • navigating a complex fertility journey;

  • self-harm; 

  • sexuality / sex-related issues;

  • stress and/or feelings of burnout;

  • struggles in being neuro-diverse in a neuro-typical society;

  • trauma- whether recent trauma, PTSD or the long-term impact of past or childhood trauma;

    ...and there are many more. (Here is a fully comprehensive list on the BACP website.)


For any of these, for whatever you need to bring,

therapy is a space for you.


"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change."

carl r rogers

Please note that I am not able to provide an emergency response. If you are experiencing urgent distress, please make contact with one of these crisis organisations.

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